The biggest of the CreateSpace Advantages? CreateSpace will publish your book for free.
There are many CreateSpace advantages:
- Your book will be published! You can hold a copy in your hand.
- You retain all rights. If your book sells well on line, you can even go with a traditional publisher.
- You have more control. You decide what it will look like, how much it will cost, what size it will be, and how it will be formatted.
- Short turnaround time. If your manuscript and cover are ready, you can be published in days. With a traditional publisher, it is more apt to be 6 to 18 months. Sometimes, even longer. The publishing industry is archaic in this regard.
- No long term contracts. You always have the option of going in a different direction.
- You make more money per book. With traditional publishers, you make around 6 to 10 percent of the cover price. With CreateSpace you should make around 30 to 40 percent. You also get paid more quickly.
- Low cost books for yourself and Amazon. This is critical to your success.
- Free ISBN. $10.00 ISBN for your new publishing company.
- No setup fees.
- No minimum orders.
- No inventory or warehouse fees.
- You get to sell your book on, complete with the “Look Inside” feature.
- Simplicity. When your files are ready, actually publishing your book is quite simple. Revisions and second editions are equally simple.
- And, the best CreateSpace advantage of all: it's free for Do-It-Yourselfers (DIY).
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